When the Enemy is on His Knees

It’s easy to love our friends, but the power of love is displayed best when we love with a higher kind of love… loving our enemy when he is weak, and on his knees.

It’s easy to love our friends, but the power of love is displayed best when we love with a higher kind of love… loving our enemy when he is weak, and on his knees.

I’m working on a musical at present, ‘African Bride’. God gave me the theme song just over a year ago and in the months following, a beautiful story for Africa evolved, that will become the ‘African Bride Musical’. It’s all giant steps for me, as it’s not something I’ve ever done before, but yet, I find it so easy and natural to explore and pursue.

I’m sharing one of my musical’s songs’ lyrics with you, ‘I deserve to die’. There is nothing more powerful, than a dying, vulnerable and weakened enemy, being saved through Grace by the very ones he’s tormented. This song is about the power of love when given to the most undeserving souls. When they realize who they are and what they have done, they know, beyond measure, that death is their penalty.

. . Let’s pray and ask God to give us golden opportunities like these, where He uses us with the ones who have hurt us the most. Will you be the giver of His Grace when they are on their knees? Wait for that opportune time, that window of opportunity that might only come once in their lifetime, when they are found lying down, too weak to rise. Will you seize that moment, and stretch your hand for them to reach? For that is what the Love of our Father looks like.

He gave His Only Son for us when we didn’t deserve it. He died for us when we didn’t even recognize Him. He saved us through Grace. Undeserved Grace.

Our enemies are not the ones we hate. The devil brings them into our lives to harm us, but we will pursue them with God’s Love, disempowering every work of darkness through the Greatest Force on Earth! The Love of God is more powerful than anything! Let’s not wish them away, but prayerfully await the ‘now’ moment for God to do a miracle through Love.

John 3:16

16“For God so loved the world,i that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. 17For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

I Deserve to Die (Lyrics © Kirsten Rossiter 2017)

I deserve to die
I deserve to pay
For what I’ve done to you
I should beg for mercy

Love is the key
It’s more powerful than anything
Love is the way
To change all humanity

Love covers
Love heals
Love wins
Every battle in the field

It turns enemies into friends
It protects and unites all mankind


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