The world we know is changing at a rapid pace. Controlled systems have dominated business, government and education for too long, leaving people tired, demotivated and uncreative. A new world is dawning… one of innovation, creative thinking, and collaboration.
The month of August has been a really exciting one for me. I attended the STEAM symposium in Cape Town, where great speakers talked about the importance of innovation and design in business and education. The various speakers all spoke things that God has been saying to me for years, and I felt hugely inspired and encouraged when I heard it in the market place. STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Maths. The Art part is the significant new addition to the mix, and the one that enables the rest to become products of innovation.
The Lord has shown me how He is about to lift Africa out of the dust and bring her to a place of prosperity and blessing… innovation is a very important part of this. Aurecon, a large engineering firm, spoke about their new ways of thinking and working, incorporating creative thinking processes that meet their briefs whilst focussing on the real people who are the users of their inventions. Professor Mugendi spoke of the importance of incorporating African design in the process of product development and design… empowering Africa through innovation and entrepreneurial thinking.
The Lord is partnering Josephs and Pharaohs to establish new ways of thinking and working. He is calling us to work in collaboration with others, different to us, to bring about inventions that He is orchestrating for our times. There are creative downloads from Heaven right now, I am experiencing constant ideas and solutions to problems… and God is connecting people by Divine intervention.
Be ready for downloads, be ready for new ideas. Be ready for change, be ready for increase.
These are exciting times, where God is doing a new thing. Ask Him to give you His perspective and solutions to problems that you encounter. Solutions to personal, national, governmental, economic, educational and physical problems. He has answers from Heaven that will transform our lives and nations.