The Trumpet Sounds: This is the Day of the Manifestation of My Sons and Daughters!

A tangible shift and change have occurred in the Heavenlies since Rosh Hashanah. Can you feel it too? It’s like there are a buzz and excitement, a renewed expectation and energy, that is supernatural and Holy Spirit-inspired.

A tangible shift and change have occurred in the Heavenlies since Rosh Hashanah. Can you feel it too? It’s like there are a buzz and excitement, a renewed expectation and energy, that is supernatural and Holy Spirit-inspired. It is in the air and all around those who have been waiting and trusting in the Lord for their deliverance and salvation, their promotion and rewards. It’s the time of the manifestation of His sons and daughters!

The Lord is saying, ‘No more delays! No more deferred hope! No more disappointments! I am exalting you in the midst of all Israel, I am doing the miraculous in your midst, I am opening the Jordan for you to walk through on dry land. It is I, the Lord your God, who has kept you all these years, who will also reward you, even now, openly and elaborately. You will see My Majesty and My Glory as you’ve never seen before. I am your Living God, and where you’ve come to know Me as your Comforter and Sustainer, you will now come to know Me, also, as your Mighty Deliverer and Great Benefactor.

You are shifted and lifted out of the old. Step into the water with a hopeful expectation, praise Me and let My Presence go before you. As you step, even just one step, I will open up the waters, showing you through to the other side. The pathway will be clear and dry, for I will lead you step-by-step, without delay, quick and fast, to the side of your promise. The time is now! The time is now! The time is now!

Pray in the Spirit to release the flood gates of My favour and blessing. It will flow like a torrent. You will not have enough room to contain it. For I am prospering My holy remnant in this hour, and the nations who turn to Me. My treasury has been unlocked, it is going to rain down in heavy showers on those who have been faithful with little. This is your time, My faithful ones, to rule over much. For you have been called to steward finance and resources, released from Heaven, to build My Kingdom upon the earth in every sphere. My hidden ones will now become public showpieces of My goodness and abundance. I will even bring the wealth of the nations to you, they will come bearing gifts and treasures and lay it at your feet.

Be ready to be overcome with the measure of Heaven where I cause exponential growth through the principle of multiplication and expansion. I am breaking the limitations and restrictions off you! All those small mentalities and realities that set the tone of your wilderness season has to break and fall away so you can inherit the territory of wideness. I am calling you to run FREE and FAST! For My Spirit is moving, accelerating the release of Heaven where I am showering down My blessing and activating My purposes for My Chosen. Now is not the time to worry or be fearful. It’s not the time to be cautious and careful, being led by the mind. It is the time to be fuelled with My Spirit’s Power and saturated with My Presence, for you will advance faster and go higher than is humanly possible, and you will do this as you are being led by the Spirit of the Living God.

I am going to move you supernaturally in speed, direction, and altitude. You will find yourself moving as the wheels of Ezekiel, going where the Spirit leads, for the Spirit of the Lord is in the wheels. It’s going to be a new kind of running, one of revelation of the Word and impartation of the Spirit. For the Sword that will cut to divide and expose, is the Sword of Truth and Power, Word and Spirit, Revelation and Fire. It will cut to the root, bringing deliverance, healing, and salvation to the nations as you, My Chosen, wield it by My Power.

Get ready to be taken out of hiddenness into the place of being revealed and exalted before all Israel. I am sealing you with My presence and My anointing, and others will witness that you are carrying My authority and power, commissioned for this hour. Where you were unnoticed before, you will now become a sign and wonder of My goodness and favour. You will manifest My Kingdom as you run and build in your sphere of influence, operating in your gifting and office, for this is your hour of release, activation, and mobilisation. Expect the supernatural intervention of My Spirit as I shift your life into new alignments. New people, new collaborations, new mandates, and new locations.

It’s the time of joyful expectation! Lift your eyes to the hills, and know, that I am the One who will work on your behalf, lifting you higher and taking you further than you ever thought possible. This is the time of suddenlies and impossibilities. It is the time of the supernatural and the miraculous. Align yourself with Heaven and let Me surprise you with My goodness and favour being made manifest through you!’

Joshua 3:7

7 The LORD said to Joshua, “Today I will begin to exalt you in the sight of all Israel, that they may know that, as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. 

Romans 8:19

19 For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God. 

Hebrews 4:12

12 For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

Listen to my interview with Vuyokazi Matu, presenter of ‘Show Me‘ with Radio Cape Pulpit on 6 October 2020.

7 thoughts on “The Trumpet Sounds: This is the Day of the Manifestation of My Sons and Daughters!”

  1. Really blessed by this word which resonates with me and confirmed in so many ways. May you also receive these blessings as well Kirsten in Jesus name!

  2. Father we thank you for this wonderful word, I receive it with my whole heart. May this word manifest in my household, my family as a whoLe, the body of Christ… Yes for the bride for the groom has spoken ????????let it be, makubenjalo

  3. Wow!
    You are such a wonderful blessing to the Body of Christ.
    A word straight from the Lord confirming the arrival of a long long awaited season.

    Anointed word in season. Thank you so much.

  4. What a powerful word, speaking to the very core of my being and for many of us who have been faithful and patient in waiting. Our time is now! We receive expectantly and confidently ???? Thank you so much!


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