The Power of Servanthood

The road of servanthood is not discovered by all, but once you tread this ground, you won’t veer off this path easily. It brings with it such rich blessings and benefits, joy being the greatest of all.

The road of servanthood is not discovered by all, but once you tread this ground, you won’t veer off this path easily. It brings with it such rich blessings and benefits, joy being the greatest of all.

The secret to stepping onto this path, is choosing to be a giver and not a taker. Receiving the greatest gift of all, Christ and the life of grace that He so freely gave us, enables us to step with hearts of humility and gratitude in His footsteps, following the path of a servant, driven by love. Seeing every situation as an opportunity to be a blessing, even situations that seem unfair and unjust can be turned around by our attitudes towards it.

It empowers the giver in ways unimaginable. You see eyes light up, hearts change and relationships restoring when you start giving and serving those around you. We are not only called to serve those who appreciate it, but even those who don’t notice, regard or recognise. It is only a matter of time, but continual gifts of kindness and generosity will cause a change of heart, a breakdown of walls and an open spirit to receive the love of God reflected through our lives.

Will we lay down the ‘me first’, and clothe ourselves with the spirit of servanthood and humility that is the very character of Christ? Will we let Him mould us and cut back those fleshly bits of self, and make ourselves vulnerable to step out to give, regardless of the response?

The greatest witness of the cross, is not he who only speaks with words, but a life that reflects His grace, kindness and unconditional love to all, friends and foe alike.

Luke 6: 35,36
35 But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil. 36 Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful.

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