The Lord is going to cause South Africa to be born in a day. I would like to share with you the following vision that I’ve received from the Lord. I see tiny flickers of lights lighting up all over the Southern Peninsula and gradually moving up South Africa and Africa. These tiny lights are flames of His Glory as He meets with individuals and small gatherings. These little flames that appear as mere dots on our map, quickly swell bigger until they join up with surrounding dots … igniting our entire land with the Fire of His Glory! Do not underestimate small gatherings… the two’s and three’s. They are significant at this time.
The Lord is waiting for us to seek His Presence, for He is ready to pour out His Spirit upon our land. For South Africa is in an incubation period, He is weaving her together in His Womb… He is giving her a new identity and a new DNA, He is giving her a new name. By the Spirit of the Living God, we will see the new birth of South Africa in a single day.
For that which we saw in 1994 was only a foreshadow of the New South Africa. The Lord cut the political chains that held our nation in bondage, but now He is going to cut the spiritual chains and set us free to be a people of True Liberty and Freedom. Only He can give us true freedom. He is uniting our people, not through law, but through LOVE. He is going to both father and mother our nation through people whom He appoints – people who will serve this nation through love, righteousness, truth, and justice.
Be ready to be overtaken by the Love of God! Be ready to be overtaken and overwhelmed by the Powerful Presence of Almighty God. He is blowing His Breath upon our tiny flickers as we seek Him, and His Wind will blow those flickers into the mightiest flames that will engulf our land.
The next 9 months leading up to the elections is a crucial time of incubation. God is doing a new thing! Behold and see the Lord is good, and His Plans are favourable towards South Africa! For by the time of the 2019 elections a new people will vote, a people overcome by the Love of God, and a love and renewed vision for this land as they’ve never experienced before. South Africa will come into her God-appointed destiny through you!
There’s a bubbling fountain in my belly and a fire burning in my soul… for the Lord is calling us into His Presence, and there’s an urgency in His Tone. ‘For the time of birthing is coming, be ready, be ready! It’s coming My children, catch the Flame of My Presence! If you seek Me as one parched with great thirst, you’ll find Me and witness My Promised Outpouring and Supernatural Intervention in your land. For surely the world will marvel at the Works of My Hand – My Beloved New South Africa will be born in ONE DAY.’
If you want to learn how to prepare, be ready, and participate in the next outpouring of God, I would highly recommend reading Rick Joyner’s book, The Power to Change the World: The Welsh and Azusa Street Revivals. He delves into history so that we can learn from both the mistakes and successes of previous revivals. There are invaluable lessons to be learnt as we prepare for the Mighty Outpouring we’re about to receive.
Matthew 18:18-20
18Truly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosedf in heaven. 19Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. 20For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.”
Isaiah 66:8,9
8Who has heard such a thing?
Who has seen such things?
Shall a land be born in one day?
Shall a nation be brought forth in one moment?
For as soon as Zion was in labor
she brought forth her children.
9Shall I bring to the point of birth and not cause to bring forth?”
says the LORD;
“shall I, who cause to bring forth, shut the womb?”
says your God.Daniel 2:20, 21
20Daniel answered and said:
“Blessed be the name of God forever and ever,
to whom belong wisdom and might.
21He changes times and seasons;
he removes kings and sets up kings;
he gives wisdom to the wise
and knowledge to those who have understanding;
2 thoughts on “South Africa will be Born in a Day”
I found this word so exciting. The Lord has been telling me for a long time about South Africa. How He is raising new leaders who will bring Godly governance and that the Government will then be on His shoulders. And how once again children will be able to play in the streets. And people will fall on their knees in the streets as the glory of God will fall. He tells me much but it’s always encouraging to hear confirmation. Thank you.
Hi Vickie, thank you so much for sharing this confirmation. What an encouragement it is to know that God is speaking to so many of us about His Great Plans for our beautiful nation. Amen to all you wrote!! God bless 🙂