Prophecy for South Africa by Jim Laffoon 31.03.2017

There’s coming an eruption for that country, and there’s an eruption of corruption says the Lord.

Word for South Africa

There’s coming an eruption for that country, and there’s an eruption of corruption says the Lord but I want you to know I am blowing out the corruption for eruption of my Spirit, and there will come 20 days of intense and terrifying shaking says the Lord and I will shake everything that can be shaken and I will shake it and break it and take it and expose and the hearts of many will fail them says the lord that literally, you will hear of people having heart attacks, even prominent people ending up hospitalised…

And there will be a young man with a radical reputation that rises to power in this nation, men will cry out in worry when they see him, for he has said radical things, though he has Christian roots, some will wonder if he is some kind of communist or radical or socialist but I am telling you even as I put it in my hands, I will supernaturally touch him and shake him for that nation says the Lord.

And my church will be strong in this moment says the lord, my church will be great in this moment and I will say to those in South Africa, pray – for churches will divide over this matter, churches who have lost my Spirit, they have become so social and they will melt down into nothing says the lord for I have raised up the heat of that Nation says the Lord, I have brought it to the boil for they have cried out and I have come as a refiner’s fire into South Africa and do not fear the meltdown, do not fear the closing of stock markets, do not fear when banks seem to shut their doors, for I am the Lord of the harvest, there is none like me.

And the intensity of the meltdown will be followed by the intensity of my Spirit for I am coming to revive the prayers of my church, many will want to leave but I say cleave, cleave to me and see that I will do, cleave to the land that I have graced you with and see what I will do.

…even now, the banks will meltdown, there will be unprecedented free fall, there will be fear on the markets, but I am Lord of the markets. For even as I gave that nation another chance, even says the lord as I allowed it, they corrupted themselves in their prosperity, even now I will melt them down and deal with them says the Lord.

I will reveal, I will lift the skirts of these leaders, in fact a party that has long probed their King will fall apart before I am done, and they will melt down for that nation is my nation not theirs – from the very beginning says the Lord, I had a purpose for that nation, from the very beginning it was to be a mission nation, even if white settlers, even now black original in habitants have violates my purpose, my purpose  will span through that nation and I have come like a burning refining fire, you will see people shot in the streets says the Lord, even people of great power will be shot down before I’m done, you are not to be afraid, you are not to lose heart, my purpose for that land will stand and stand and stand – it is greater says the Lord than the Rand. You are not to fear, it is not in free fall, my hand is on the Rand, watch what I do for though it will fall low, it will boil back high, it will even go faster than it went lower – you are not to be afraid, trust me says the Lord, everything is in my hand.

Pastor, King’s Park International Church
Member, International Apostolic Team for Every Nation Ministries

As one of the world’s most sought after and respected prophetic voices, Jim Laffoon serves on national and international leadership teams in Every Nation Ministries. He also teaches in the School of Spiritual Empowerment in North Carolina. Pastor Jim travels the world teaching and ministering prophetically with startling accuracy. Pastor Jim teaches and ministers to each student prophetically.

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