Prophecy by Charlie Shamp 19.02.2017 – Word for Cape Town

I saw over Cape Town, South Africa tonight no clouds and no rain. I prayed, but in my Spirit I saw no rain in sight. In fervency I prayed to the Lord again, but He spoke and said, “there shall be no rain fall for a time.”

Word for Cape Town

I saw over Cape Town, South Africa tonight no clouds and no rain. I prayed, but in my Spirit I saw no rain in sight. In fervency I prayed to the Lord again, but He spoke and said, “there shall be no rain fall for a time.”

I pleaded with the Lord and prayed a third time then suddenly the Lord spoke and said, “there will be no significant rainfall come for a season, but when the water supply becomes so low that they feel they could be without hope suddenly it shall pour.

There will come a great downpour from heaven. It will be a sign of heaven’s salvation coming to the city, a great outpouring of my Spirit will take place in Cape Town, South Africa.

There will come a fresh wind that will bring the rain both in the natural as well as the Spirit.”

I saw many salvations, an outpouring of souls and supernatural miracles will come like never before, but the sign will be the rain. Watch for the rain for when it shifts in the natural so shall it shift in the Spirit!

For the Lord says, “In the days of the rain, I will pour out my Spirit on all people across the city. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream great dreams again. Even on the lowliest servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy.”

I have seen many will call upon the name of the Lord and will see the salvation of the savior. God will show great wonders in the sky above the city, even showers of meteors will be seen. They will be a sign to the people of God’s wonder working power being released in churches across the city.

“Cape Town you have been marked by Me for an outpouring, yes a great revival you will see,” says the Lord!

Charlie and Brynn are the founders of Destiny Encounters. They have a true passion to see revival and the glory of God manifested in all the earth.  They boldly declare the gospel of Christ; ministering freedom, joy, and supernatural healing everywhere they go. They are fulfilling a mandate from God to preach the gospel with miracles, signs and wonders in the nations of the earth. They have ministered both nationally and internationally with radical demonstrations of faith seeing lives transformed through the power of the Holy Spirit. Compelled by the heart of the Father to seek and save the lost, they are releasing God’s love to the world seeing the captives delivered, the sick healed, and lives changed.

They have been uniquely gifted with an ability to motivate people to move beyond mediocrity and embrace excellence and wholeness in their lives. God has equipped them to see and speak into the spirit realm with the power to reveal phenomenal insight into the universal truths of God’s word. Through God’s divine gifting, Charlie and Brynn have the ability to see the potential in people and motivate them to cultivate the gifts and talents that often lie dormant within them. People all over the world have been brought to the sacred truth that they are not victims, but overcomes in this life.

Charlie and Brynn have answered the call to lead a generation in the movement of both the Word and the Spirit. They believe that the next great move of God will not only have radical signs and manifestations of the Spirit, but also the solid foundation of the Word of God. With the power of an encounter they are truly unlocking a generation’s destiny one heart at a time.

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