“Here comes My suddenly: My answer to the battle over your nations”
“There is a great battle on right now, more than ever, for the destiny of the nations—but I have seen the scheme and now here comes My suddenly!”
I had a vision recently where I saw the angels assigned in partnering with God’s people to bring forth the destiny in nations. They were being called by the Lord to attention like an army–ready and positioned for war. We are about to see angels moving in the nations, warring with the people of God, in ways we have never seen.
There is an intense battle on right now more than ever for the destiny of nations. I have such a turbulence and battle raging in the spirit concerning the nations. Why? Because we are moving into the time of seeing the greatest move of the Spirit of God amongst the nations like we have ever seen. During the US elections, the Lord spoke to me that there was a domino effect being released in the nations, where there would be breakthrough upon breakthrough in the nations as God’s people stand, pray and decree.
The enemy knows this, and he knows the moment we are in right now of seeing the Spirit of God move in the nations; bringing freedom, salvation, healing and restoration like we have never seen before.
Speak and Decree the Plans of God
In recent weeks, I have had dreams concerning issues hindering nations and the destiny of God for the nations for a second time. When I asked the Lord why I was having the dreams for a second time, He spoke to me about this. There is a battle raging for the destiny of nations and there’s an urgency for the people of God to be awake, vigilant and responsive to what He is speaking, and then decree it into the nations.
In the midst of this intense battle right now I heard the Lord say, “But I have seen the schemes” and instantly I hear Psalm 64:5-7:
“They set their traps against us in secret; they strengthen each other, saying ‘No one can see us. Who can stop us?’ They’re nothing more than unruly mobs joined in their unholy alliance – searching out new opportunities to pervert justice, deceivers scheming together their ill-conceived plot as they plan the ‘perfect crime.”‘How unsearchable is their endless evil, trying desperately to hide the deep darkness in their hearts. But all the while, God has His own fire tipped arrows! Suddenly, without warning, they will be pierced and struck down!” (The Passion Translation)
Decree Destiny Over Nations
There is an urgency right now in the Spirit to be decreeing destiny over nations, and to decree what the Lord decrees. For the enemy is attempting in many ways and through many avenues to bring his schemes into the nations to abort the destiny of God and it seems like the “perfect crime”…but as the people of God rise up and are vigilant in prayer and decree, the suddenly of God is about to be seen. God has the fire-tipped arrows up His sleeve that are going to be released without warning—suddenly—and the evil schemes will be brought down.
It is imperative that the focus of God’s people is not upon the natural. Even if things are looking darker, if things aren’t looking good in the natural, stand in what God has spoken. Stand on the Word; for suddenly the breakthrough of God will show up and there will be a sudden turn, releasing greater vindication, justice and breakthrough in the nations.
See and Hear the Plans of the Enemy
Prophets are beginning to hear in exponential ways like Elisha in 2 Kings 6:12. They are going to hear and see schemes and equip the Body of Christ with how and what to decree to see the schemes reversed and the plans and destiny of God released into manifestation in significant ways. The Lord is going to steam roll over the vile, unjust schemes being planned and devised right now. The Lord is about to rule with an iron fist releasing His justice, goodness and power into nations in ways that will leave the people of God and those in the world in awe at the power and majesty of God.
“I will rule you with an iron fist and in great anger and with power.” (Ezekiel 20:33) He is ruling with righteous anger against injustice; against the enemy and how he has come to steal, kill and destroy! The Lord is about to remind the enemy that he is defeated.
“Staggering backward they will be destroyed by the very ones they spoke against! All who see this will view their scorn! Then all will stand awestruck over what God has done, seeing how He vindicated victims of crimes. The lovers of God will be glad, rejoicing in the Lord. They will be found in his glorious wrap-around presences singing songs of praise to God.” (Psalm 64:8-10, The Passion Translation)
Blind-siding the Enemy
The enemy is going to be hit out of left field with the fire-tipped arrows. God is releasing “suddenlies” into the nations. The enemy is mad, he’s scared and he is pulling out all stops. But nothing is going to stop the destiny and plans of God in the nations as God’s people rise up and war in decreeing over the nations. Through their decrees they will release peace, healing, breakthrough and manifestations of destiny upon the nations. You and I are part of it.
Remember, “Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” (Ephesians 6:12)
Let’s stand together and decree the destiny of nations to manifest now in Jesus name, the goodness and kindness of Jesus to be demonstrated and the justice of Heaven released.
Prophecy by Lana Vawser – Here Comes My Suddenly…
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