Migrating back

I saw vivid images yesterday, of migrating birds flying over lands and seas, migrating herd running over fields.

I saw vivid images yesterday, of migrating birds flying over lands and seas, migrating herd running over fields. These are the words of the song that was birthed:

Migrating birds take to flight
Nature draws them to a new life
Distant lands, far-off shores
An echoing in the wind
The drumming beat of wet-kissed feet

I’m calling you here again
Come soak in My heavy rain
I’m your Summer Season
I’m your Living Stream
Come lay down at My feet
Come close to Me again

Migrating herd, kicking dust and dirt
Whistling wells, tunes to be heard
Distant lands, far-off shores
An echoing in the wind
The drumming beat of wet-kissed feet

The Lord is calling us close to Him again. We need to thirst for Him, seek Him and journey to find Him once again. If you’ve found yourself in a dry and desert place, listen to His Wind, He’s calling you home.

This is the season of the prodigals’ return. It is the season of the orphans coming home. Those who have not known Him, you are ripe for harvest. Hear the call of Heaven reaching from the sky. Your Maker, your Creator, is calling you to come… lay down at His feet, drink from His living stream.

John 4:13,14

13 Jesus said to her, “Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, 14 but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again.b The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

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