Keywords: Twin-birth and Multiplication

Twin-birth refers to the ‘double portion’ that the Lord has for His Bride. It speaks of His favour and blessing which is released in great measure when His Bride walks and operates in the five-fold ministry – pastoral, evangelical, teacher, apostolic and prophetic. The latter two are the significant ones that complete the five-fold ministry, releasing explosive and unprecedented favour that will cause Heaven to invade earth.

When the apostolic gifting is at work, it will always bring forth multiplication, as it builds through models and systems that equip, empower, and enable others to replicate the building process elsewhere. Some of the fruit that is evident when the prophetic and apostolic works together, is blessing, favour, advancement, increase, dynamic shifts, opportunity, people-gathering, and visible impact.

For more understanding on the significance of the prophetic and apostolic, and how it completes the five-fold ministry, please read Bill Hammon’s Prophetic Words listed on the Elijah List:
2008 is the Beginning of the Third, and Final Apostolic Reformation
2018: The Glorious New Beginning.

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