God’s Throne will be Established through Righteousness and Justice

There’s rejoicing and commotion in Heaven, as the earth is moving from one kingdom to another. History will record our current times as the end of the old kingdom, governed by paganism and hedonism, and the birthing of a new kingdom, governed by sons and daughters of righteousness, truth and justice alongside their eternal King, Jesus Christ.

There’s rejoicing and commotion in Heaven, as the earth is moving from one kingdom to another. History will record our current times as the end of the old kingdom, governed by paganism and hedonism, and the birthing of a new kingdom, governed by sons and daughters of righteousness, truth and justice alongside their eternal King, Jesus Christ.

The Word says that righteousness and justice are the foundation of God’s throne. The heavens and the earth belongs to God and as the church lays that foundation in the earth we will see His throne be established in our midst, realigning the earth where we will see His kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven as written in Psalm 89:11-14:

The heavens are yours; the earth also is yours;
the world and all that is in it, you have founded them.
The north and the south, you have created them;
Tabor and Hermon joyously praise your name.
You have a mighty arm;
strong is your hand, high your right hand.
Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne;
steadfast love and faithfulness go before you.

Three ways to bring the throne of God into the earth’s realm:

1. Purity and holiness

As we walk in repentance and holiness before God, with clean hands and pure hearts, we will ascend into the high places of Zion where He dwells. Our prayers and worship will cut through the ceiling of bondage that has been spread like a net across the earth. God will be moved as we cry for justice and His judgment on the wicked, crying on behalf of our nations to our God, our only saviour and redeemer who will hear from Heaven and save His people from the claws of the enemy who has set himself against God, His people and His nations.

2. Confront and pursue the enemy

We are called to war against the enemy and pull down his strongholds. As we relentlessly pursue him in the power of His might, roaring truth, exposing every lie and hidden thing, God will add multitudes of angelic helpers to us. We will not battle alone. To the naked eye, we might seem outnumbered, but with God in our midst, we can run against a troop and leap over a wall.

We will witness the footsteps of Christ coming down from Heaven onto the earth as our Commander in Chief, fighting alongside His warring bride. As we cry out for mercy, He will be moved to action, involving Himself in our affairs to set the nations free. There is an appointed time where our cries and the enemy’s wickedness come to a climax, reaching a tipping point. We will see the trembling of the earth, the quaking and shaking of nations, the shifting and realigning of tectonic plates, the thunder of His voice and lightning of His fire as He steps down in fury, bringing His judgment to the wicked, and His salvation to the righteous.

Psalm 18:29, 37-42

For by you I can run against a troop,
and by my God I can leap over a wall.

I pursued my enemies and overtook them,
and did not turn back till they were consumed.
I thrust them through, so that they were not able to rise;
they fell under my feet.
For you equipped me with strength for the battle;
you made those who rise against me sink under me.
You made my enemies turn their backs to me,
and those who hated me I destroyed.
They cried for help, but there was none to save;
they cried to the LORD, but he did not answer them.
I beat them fine as dust before the wind;
I cast them out like the mire of the streets.

3. Weighing the enemy on the scales of justice

God is calling His nations to bring judgment against the wicked by weighing their works on the scales of justice which is founded and rooted in the Word of God. It is there where God will restore truth, righteousness and justice back to the heart of nations. For the beat has been faint, a flame nearly put out, but God, through His shaking and the breath of His nostrils, has brought the darkness into the light, igniting truth so that it will be seen and perceived. The scales are falling off many eyes, awakening them to a reality they did not perceive. There’s a clarion call for the church to arise and take her position as His warring bride, pursuing the enemy as David pursued Goliath and the Philistines until they were destroyed from the earth.

There is a fulfilment of scripture we have overlooked until now. We have read and interpreted ‘the new heavens and the new earth’ as part of the recreated world after the Great White Throne judgment. However, when looking at prophecies in Isaiah we see a clear picture forming that mirrors what’s happening in the world today. There is a clash of kingdoms right now. The kingdom of darkness wants to cover the earth with its high and lofty ideals set against the Kingdom of God. We are in a full-fledged war where the enemy is determined to control the earth through socialism, destroying all our freedoms. But God! We will see this old kingdom come to dust, its kingdom destroyed in a day as Egypt was broken while they pursued Israel into the Red Sea.

Be ready to behold the presence and glory of the Lord as we have not seen before. God is opening up the Heavens over the earth, He is causing Heaven and earth to collide and be joint, where His Kingdom will stretch onto the earth, into our physical realm. We are transitioning into a new era that will be recorded on history’s timeline, as the New Kingdom Era of righteousness and justice.

Everything will be realigned, causing us to inherit the promise of the new earth and new heavens as recorded in Isaiah 65. We know that this is part of our mortal, not our immortal, state as verse 20 says, ‘No more shall there be in it an infant who lives but a few days, or an old man who does not fill out his days, for the young man shall die a hundred years old, and the sinner a hundred years old shall be accursed.’

It’s time for the church to awake and realise that there is a possessing and an inhabiting of the earth purposed for the bride before she is taken like Enoch was taken. She will be part of bringing Heaven down to earth, demonstrating His Kingdom and laying foundations that will cause His throne to be established in our midst. His glory and His presence, being the light that shines of revelation and truth, ushering in the greatest harvest of souls. The church will be restored to its original purpose of being the bride of Christ, ruling and reigning with Him, preaching the gospel of the Kingdom, and making disciples of the nations. Then Christ will take His pure bride, without spot or wrinkle, transcending her from her mortal to her immortal state where she will co-labour with Him for all eternity.

Isaiah 65:17-25

“For behold, I create new heavens
and a new earth,
and the former things shall not be remembered
or come into mind.
But be glad and rejoice forever
in that which I create;
for behold, I create Jerusalem to be a joy,
and her people to be a gladness.
I will rejoice in Jerusalem
and be glad in my people;
no more shall be heard in it the sound of weeping
and the cry of distress.
No more shall there be in it
an infant who lives but a few days,
or an old man who does not fill out his days,
for the young man shall die a hundred years old,
and the sinner a hundred years old shall be accursed.
They shall build houses and inhabit them;
they shall plant vineyards and eat their fruit.
They shall not build and another inhabit;
they shall not plant and another eat;
for like the days of a tree shall the days of my people be,
and my chosen shall long enjoy the work of their hands.
They shall not labor in vain
or bear children for calamity,
for they shall be the offspring of the blessed of the LORD,
and their descendants with them.
Before they call I will answer;
while they are yet speaking I will hear.
The wolf and the lamb shall graze together;
the lion shall eat straw like the ox,
and dust shall be the serpent’s food.
They shall not hurt or destroy
in all my holy mountain,”
says the LORD.

4 thoughts on “God’s Throne will be Established through Righteousness and Justice”

    • Hi Bev, I’ve been finding the Old Testament prophetic books, together with Psalms and Revelation to be very useful in understanding the pattern of God when dealing with the enemy. Reading the ESV Bible, looking through the notes and cross-referencing is the best first approach. Other than that, I would recommend books like ‘God’s Chaos Code’ by Lance Wallnau, ‘God’s Weapons of War’, and ‘Prophetic Scriptures yet to be fulfilled’ by Dr. Bill Hamon. Hope that helps!

      Sending you lots of love and blessings as you pursue to understand this new era of justice, truth and righteousness.


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