Over the last year, I’ve had so many Divine downloads from Heaven regarding the ‘New Kingdom Model’, many scribbles and pictures have filled my diaries.
We hear so many Prophetic terminologies, that at the time, doesn’t seem to make complete sense, but as we walk and pray into the things the Lord is speaking, truly surrendered and seeking understanding from Him, He starts to unveil and reveal what it is, and how it looks… and how to build it.
This New Kingdom Era is all about Heaven’s Models. The Lord is giving us eyes to see and ears to hear what’s already been established in Heaven. It’s a very exciting time, as the Lord is downloading so much creativity right now, so many books are exploding within us to be written – for whenever the Lord does a new thing, He reveals His workings to His children, for understanding and application… and that needs to be written and shared with others!
Why does the Lord repeatedly call this the New Wineskin Season? Firstly our mindsets have to be aligned with Heaven, so we can receive the New Wine that He wants to pour in. This will both manifest in the spirit, through new revelation and understanding, and in the natural, through application.
For just as Noah was instructed to build an arc that would take God’s holy remnant from the old to the new world, so the Lord is calling us to build infrastructures based on Heavenly models, that will take God’s people from the old world’s systems into the new world’s systems, which is ‘Kingdom’.
Heaven is open over those who have ears to hear. Will you receive God’s instruction for your sphere of influence? He has answers for problems not yet solved, that keeps us in bondage and bound to systems set up to fail, systems created by ungodly people who do not care about individuals or nations. The Kingdom of God is all about the upliftment, empowerment, and establishment of individuals and nations!
The Lord is about to ignite the nations with His Fire (Glory and Presence), and He’s about to cause the greatest deluge (unprecedented Favour and Blessing) the world has ever known. This is a mighty downpouring from Heaven, and I clearly hear the Lord say, ‘Build your dams for the water is coming! I am going to pour down so heavily, that every dam that is built deep and wide, will be filled with Divine Provision and Blessing, not just for yourselves, but also for others as it will overflow.’ Hear what the Lord is calling you to build. What are you meant to pioneer and forerun in, and who are you meant to build with? These are important questions to ask the Lord in this season.
The Lord is calling many out of jobs and businesses, into new entrepreneurial ventures and ministries. The Bride of Christ will be building very strong in two streams – walking as the New Man, we will step with Divine authority and victory both in the spirit and in the natural realm. The Kingdom of God will burn in our hearts by His Spirit and will flow out of us wherever we are. For wherever we are, His Presence, His Mindset, and His Power will transform the very space surrounding us, and the very place we inhabit.
Are you willing to say, ‘Yes, Lord’ to the new ideas and revelations He is releasing to His Bride? It does demand the letting go of the ‘old’, and even the humility to recognize false doctrine that will keep us from moving with the Spirit into the ‘new’ place of inheritance.
Throughout church history, the Lord always required new wineskin-hearts and minds whenever He brought the church into new revelation. The two greatest obstacles to inheritance are fear and pride. Let’s be a humble people who have ears to hear and eyes to see that which the Lord wants to reveal, and the courage to obey.
Keep a diary at hand, or voice-record your ideas into your phone as you get them, for as you expectantly and prayerfully ask the Lord to download His new ideas to you, you will be surprised how often He will speak to you, and how fast the pages of your book get filled.
1 Corinthians 2:6-16
Wisdom from the Spirit
6Yet among the mature we do impart wisdom, although it is not a wisdom of this age or of the rulers of this age, who are doomed to pass away. 7But we impart a secret and hidden wisdom of God, which God decreed before the ages for our glory. 8None of the rulers of this age understood this, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. 9But, as it is written,
“What no eye has seen, nor ear heard,
nor the heart of man imagined,
what God has prepared for those who love him”—
10these things God has revealed to us through the Spirit. For the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God. 11For who knows a person’s thoughts except the spirit of that person, which is in him? So also no one comprehends the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. 12Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might understand the things freely given us by God. 13And we impart this in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the Spirit, interpreting spiritual truths to those who are spiritual.d
14The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned. 15The spiritual person judges all things, but is himself to be judged by no one. 16“For who has understood the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?” But we have the mind of Christ.
3 thoughts on “Divine Downloads of Heaven’s Models”
I do what you do give words,hear from The Lord Of Heavens Armies.Wrote a song and could sing it,”Takes your Breath Away’;Refer Luke1:26-end and the tears begin to flow.I am encouraged in this letter by your words from heaven.It spoke to me.God bless
Bless you, Ashley. Thanks!
Thank you Kirsten . So encouraging.