Words of Hope
Category: Prophetic Words for South Africa
My heart has been heavy over the last few weeks, with the news of yet another crazy rape and murder of an eight-year-old girl....
The Lord would say to you, South Africa, ‘My Hand I have removed from the Sauls who have ruled and ruined this nation. From...
I would like to share with you what the Lord has been revealing to me about Africa this week, “Africa, you are Mine. I...
The Lord is calling His People to come before Him, seeking Him out, for He is opening the Heavens as a curtain, and He...
There is a global agenda at work in the world, to bring all nations together under a One World Order. They operate through weak...
As I’ve been studying the book of Jeremiah, the Lord has been drawing parallels between Babylon and South Africa that I’d like to share...
The Lord has been showing me a picture of a drain, with water flowing out of it. I heard the Lord say, ‘Just as...
I’ve been feeling such a burden for South Africa, and in particular for our people. There is great pressure, great suffering, and a violent...
South Africa, rejoice! Lift up your heads, O gates! And be lifted up, O ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in.The...