Be Outlandishly Generous!

God is calling us to be outlandishly generous! Do we give freely, without calculating how we can benefit? Do we think of how our lives can serve and bless others without getting anything in return, other than the joy of giving?

We live in an age where people are motivated by gain. Technology, for one, is distracting many to the point where they are ignorant, disinterest and out of touch with those around them. The very heart of the Gospel is a generous one. It is the free gift of Salvation, made available to all people.

I have been challenged in the last while, to check my motivation in all that I do. Am I building a ‘ministry’ or am I building my relationship with Christ, and let the fruit flow out of that? I watched a documentary of Aaron Swartz, ‘The Internet’s Own Boy’ this week, and was very moved by his life. He lived his life motivated by a pure intent to make a difference in this world, uncovering truth and fighting corruption, whilst living a modest life, without the love of money. It was refreshing to see such raw passion, pure conviction, and courage to stand for what is right.

God is about to release His bounty to His people. He is calling forth a people who are driven by LOVE. Our love for Him and our love for each other must be the driving force behind all that we do. Let’s ask the Lord to give us sensitive and discerning hearts to notice the precious people that surround us daily, ready to shower His goodness and kindness upon them.

Let’s take hold of our gifting and pour it out as a love offering to the Lord and those around us. Let’s make our lives count for eternity, storing up our treasures in Heaven. It isn’t for nothing that God says, But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.’ (Matthew 6:33)

Let’s pray this prayer daily,

‘Dear Father, I lay my life down before You. Have my all. Use my life to be a blessing to You, because You are my reason for living. I give you every gift that’s locked up inside of me, and I ask You to bring it forth to give You glory, to build Your kingdom and to touch all who enter my borders. My life is Yours. Purify my heart and let humility go before and behind me at all times. Keep me leaning on You, reliant on You and fully dependant on You alone. Let every boasting be in You, let every glory go to You. For it’s all about You and all for You. Give me Your heart of love, compassion and kindness for all people. In Jesus’ precious name. Amen.’

Matthew 10:6-8

6But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. 7And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand. 8Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.

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