About Kirsten
This website was born in 2016 with the focus of sharing two songs that I wrote and recorded for Africa, ‘We are the Change‘, and ‘African Bride‘. However, it soon transitioned into prophetic writing, encouraging the Bride of Christ to help her understand her role, call, authority, identity, purpose and season. For us to be mobilised, we need to have Holy Spirit revelation, so we can receive the Word of the Lord with the understanding of its application. The prophetic gives vision and direction, the apostolic, practical application. I am passionate about both.
The Lord is calling His Bride into her position on the battlefield to take back territory that’s been lost, establishing His Kingdom Rule within the nations. This is her Kairos moment, where Heaven and earth collide, fulfilling the promise of Isaiah 60 – ‘Arise shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you!’
With one hand she will fight, with the other she will build, as in Nehemiah’s time. With one she will uproot, with the other, plant. In this season called, ‘New’, the Lord is pouring forth His New Wine from His New Wineskins to reap His Great Harvest.
As Deborah was called as a prophetic worshipping warrior, so I run, trumpeting what I hear from Heaven, calling the Bride of Christ to ride on His white horse with Him, crowned and equipped with His bow. The kingdoms of this world will become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, as prophesied in Revelation, and we, His Church, will inherit the nations with Him.
It is my prayer that the Lord uses the words I write and the songs I sing to minister to you, His healing and restoration, His encouragement and hope, to build your faith and strengthen your knees, transforming you into the warrior He has called you to be. Inherit the nations with Him! Demonstrate His Kingdom through His Spirit’s Power at work in you! Set aflame the earth with His Glory as you shine with the Light of our Glorious King!
This website was created and built by my husband, Warren, who is my ministry partner and overseer. We operate as an apostolic/prophetic team, building the Kingdom of God together, both in the church and market-place.