2023: The Year of Prophetic Fulfillment & Divine Protection

I am so overwhelmed by the goodness and faithfulness of Abba. 2023 is a year of prophetic fulfillment of promises that have been shelved for decades. It is the season of the New Book, and with it comes fresh white pages on which the Holy Spirit is writing His words of life and promise as it is made manifest in our lives.

I am so overwhelmed by the goodness and faithfulness of Abba. 2023 is a year of prophetic fulfillment of promises that have been shelved for decades. It is the season of the New Book, and with it comes fresh white pages on which the Holy Spirit is writing His words of life and promise as it is made manifest in our lives.

We see an intentional breaking of world systems right now, and the Lord is saying, ‘Do not be afraid when the structures are falling. Do not let fear grip your heart when things break to the point of no return. It is at this breaking point where the tipping point is reached. That which was weighty on the enemy’s scale is about to become obsolete. The enemy planned a breaking of systems so he could step in and take over with his reset, however, in the breaking of the systems, I am cutting the nations loose from his grip and I am trumpeting ‘FREEDOM!’ over the earth. My banner of protection is over you, night and day, do not fear.

I am about to make such a fool of the enemy and his schemes, that he will stand naked before the nations, unable to cover up his nakedness. This is the time of stripping and humiliation for the enemy. Everyone caught up with his lie, those who have been bribed and controlled, and also those who hold and manipulate the strings, will be caught in the trap that I have been setting for them all along. This is My hour and it is My time to act. Watch and see the Hand of the Lord move on behalf of His people.

Have I not said it is a time of innovation? It is a time of new systems and ways of working. Let the old be broken, and be ready to implement and run with the new. For there are those who have held the blueprints and downloads of innovative approaches for decades, and those who have not had the opportunity nor the support to initiate what they have foreseen. Now is the time for these innovative ones to be heard and seen, and for the nations to follow their lead. They have been trained in the place of hiddenness and are ready to run in the front lines, showing the new way and setting the nations on a new path to freedom in the marketplace.

It is important for My people to understand that the old system must break for the new to be implemented. Trust Me and know that I am working on your behalf. That which the enemy meant for harm, I am truly turning for good!

Africa, you will run on the frontlines of innovation. You will lead first-world countries in this New Book era. For you have been trained in the place of the fire, and you have been hardened to difficulty, able to lead those who are trembling at the knees, unable to see how to move forward.

Africa, you will lead through community and camaraderie. For the work I have done in your heart is a deep work that has united you into one people. Those who try and divide you with words, terminologies, and corporate policies, will be exposed by their political agendas. You are not a divided people, nor does racism live in your heart. The years of hardship have drawn you together and will cause you to forge new ways in humility and unity. You are the apple of My eye, and I will cause you to shine amongst the nations!’

On a more personal note…

The Lord has given me a heart for the nations for more than two decades now. In January 2023, our family’s borders stretched from Africa to the UK where we now have our new home base. It is the prophetic fulfillment of promises spoken over our lives over many years. We are excited to see what the Lord has in store for us in this land of our roots, and also how He will use us to build bridges between Africa and the nations.

May the Lord breathe His living breath on all His promises and words spoken over your life, and bring you to a fruitful place where you will see your rewards before your eyes. It is time to walk on the land of promise and eat from the fruit He is giving you in your new land.

Wishing you all a very blessed and truly prosperous 2023 in the Lord. It is the year of overflow and abundance for the Redeemed.

Sending lots of love XXX

Isaiah 4

A Remnant Prepared

1And in that day seven women will take hold of one man, saying, “We will eat our own food and wear [and provide] our own clothes; only let us be called by your name; take away our shame [of being unmarried].”

2In that day the Branch of the Lord will be splendid and glorious, and the fruit of the land will be excellent and lovely to those of Israel who have survived. 3It will come to pass that he who is left in Zion and remains in Jerusalem will be called holy (set apart for God)—everyone who is recorded for [eternal] life in Jerusalem. 4When the Lord has washed away the [moral] filth of the daughters of Zion and has cleansed the bloodstains of Jerusalem from her midst, by the spirit of judgment and by the spirit of burning, 5then the Lord will create over the entire site of Mount Zion and over her assemblies, a cloud by day, smoke, and the brightness of a flaming fire by night; for over all the glory and brilliance will be a canopy [a defense, a covering of His divine love and protection]. 6And there will be a pavilion for shade from the heat by day, and a refuge and a shelter from the storm and the rain.

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